Wednesday 23 February 2011


Siegfried Sassoon: Does it Matter?

Does it matter?-losing your legs?
For people will always be kind,
And you need not show that you mind
When others come in after hunting
To gobble their muffins and eggs.
Does it matter?-losing your sight?
There’s such splendid work for the blind;
And people will always be kind,
As you sit on the terrace remembering
And turning your face to the light.
Do they matter-those dreams in the pit?
You can drink and forget and be glad,
And people won’t say that you’re mad;
For they know that you’ve fought for your country,
And no one will worry a bit.

Sassoon’s poem is from World War I – The War to End All Wars, and one, like so many others, that did not have to happen.
It is Thanksgiving here in the States. The turkeys are being readied, the recipes being gathered or shared with the generations of family.
How many of you have given thought to your extended family-those who are serving in combat zones, possibly for their third or fourth tours of duty?
Perhaps you could give thought to them by keeping them in your prayers; by demanding proper care for them when they come home physically, mentally, and spiritually wounded. Perhaps you could show them you care by telling the President to end endless war; to not freeze their wages for the next three years as their families lose their homes. Perhaps you could say thank you to a Veteran.
If you are a veteran of any war, we invite you to share your poems, your stories in a pro bono book whose working title is The Little Book of War. All proceeds from this international collaboration will go to PTSD foundations in the United Kingdom. Perhaps we can help not only UK Veterans, but by doing so bring light to the plight of so many others who find suicide the only way to end the war they knew. You may contact me at with your word contribution.

Yes, you will keep the copyright to your words.

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