Wednesday 10 November 2010

David Cameron leaves the Falklands at risk of a fresh invasion

France French National Flag

A group of former Royal Navy chiefs have urged the Government to reverse its decision to scrap the aircraft carrier Ark Royal and the fleet of Harrier jets. In a letter published on Wednesday, the commanders said the recently-announced defence cuts would leave the oil-rich Falkland Islands open to a fresh Argentinean attack from which British prestige...might never recover". The signatories, who include former Navy boss Lord West, also said Prime Minister David Cameron was badly advised before agreeing to the measures.

You don’t need the brains of an Archbishop to realise that scrapping of our naval air assets is extremely foolhardy and downright dangerous. This could be the biggest mistake any UK government has made in recent times. It seems Cameron can `ring fence` foreign aid but when it comes to defending a British overseas territory that is rich in gas & oil reserves, he is willing to take a huge gamble on the Islands defences. Perhaps the French have worked this potentially lucrative oil & gas in their defence pact with the UK? Defending the Falkland Islands will come at a very high price with a French / UK task force.

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