Sunday 14 March 2010

Soldier throws live hand grenade back to Taliban

While under fire from the enemy, a soldier from 3 RIFLES recently picked up a live Taliban hand grenade and threw it back at them in an attempt to save himself and his comrades Rifleman James McKie from Recce Platoon, 3rd Battalion The Rifles (3 RIFLES), was under fire from three directions when the hand grenade hit his Platoon Commander and landed at his feet. He said:
"My first thought was I hope this doesn't hurt too much. That, and I've really only got one chance to do this. If it fails, either way, doing nothing, I'm going to get the same amount of hurt. So I picked it up and threw it off the roof. The actions of Rifleman McKie helped to save the lives of his commander and one other soldier who were engaging the enemy in a fire fight from a compound roof in the Sangin area of Helmand province. He continued: "The fire was disciplined and accurate. I managed to spot one of the firing points and I engaged with my GPMG [general purpose machine gun] to suppress the enemy.

"After a few minutes they stopped firing and we continued observing to the east. It must have been no more than five minutes and then I heard what sounded like a mini-flare come from our right where I knew there were none of our guys, so I thought this was really unusual.
"It was actually the fly-off lever of a grenade that had been thrown from the alleyway below."

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Apparently in his recent visit to Afghanistan Gordon Brown ordered that British troops should conserve their ammunition even if it means throwing grenades back at the Taliban.

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