Friday 19 March 2010

Is Osama on the board at Google?

Military chiefs and MPs blasted internet giant Google today after its Street View service included detailed pictures of the headquarters of the SAS.

Internet users can snoop around the entrance to Credenhill, Herefordshire, which has never before appeared on maps for security reasons. Shockingly, the base is even marked as 'British SAS' on the website and offers users a detailed 180 degree view of the perimeter boundary .MPs and military top brass have demanded Google removes the pictures, claiming it makes the SAS a target for terrorist attacks.
Lib Dem Hereford MP Paul Keetch said: 'The footage is simply not acceptable during a time of perceived terrorism.
'There needs to be a certain degree of restraint shown by people like Google.
'I wouldn't want a terrorist to be inspired by these pictures and it would be appalling if any help at all was given to our enemies.
'We all know where the Palace of Westminster is, we all know where the SAS camp is, but the issue is if you're going into such detail in such a way that you can undermine the security of that building, that could be a problem.'

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You really couldn't make it up. Makes you wonder if President Obama had anything to do with it?

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