Friday 19 March 2010

Boss would rather employ a paedophile than an ex soldier

OUTRAGE has been expressed at a Taunton businessman who said he would rather employ ex drug dealers and paedophiles than former service personnel. Karl Winn 60, sticks by the comments he made in an e-mail to the Forces Recruitment Services, which helps find jobs for ex squaddies back on Civvy Street. Mr Winn claims some British troops have committed murders and rapes against unarmed civilians in Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan and should not be treated as heroes. He said:
"If you have a paedophile, at least he goes to court and is seen to be accountable for what he's done."

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Just think its because of the millions of soldiers that have laid down their lives that the likes of this man can make his disgusting slurs upon them. You can contact Karl Winn HERE if he Hates the British State so much he is free to leave ASAP.

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