Saturday 13 March 2010

British Army bomb disposal experts in action in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province.

British commanders in Afghanistan are watching to see if the Taliban are changing tactics. Six UK soldiers died in Sangin in northern Helmand Province in the space of a week at the start of this month, four of them from gunshot wounds. Defence chiefs are monitoring whether this represents a shift by militants away from the use of roadside bombs to target British forces in the district. UK military spokesman Major General Gordon Messenger said soldiers on the ground in Sangin had confirmed the accuracy of some Taliban firing was improving - but he stressed it was too soon to draw any firm conclusions from this. He said: "Across the operation in Afghanistan, people are constantly looking for the ways in which the Taliban are adopting and adapting their tactics so that we can counter them in a timely fashion. That's something that's happening all the time.

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