Monday 11 February 2008

Spy planes take on Talibrum

RAF experts eavesdropped on radio traffic in Afghanistan — and heard Taliban fighters speaking in Brummie and Yorkshire accents. Read It Here

(RG) This should be no surprise to anyone British Borne Muslims have been fighting against their own Country of birth for years. It was not that long ago that a plot to
behead a British soldier here in the UK was smashed. As I have said for a long time now if I was Bin Laden and it was getting a bit doggy for me hiding in Pakistan I would simply slip through the channel tunnel and make my home in Leeds or Bradford. Who knows he may even be here now? Even the Iraqi Government have said our Mosques here have more extremist than in Iraq. Even General Musharraf recently criticised Gordon Brown and said “Britain lacked a long-term counter-terrorist strategy and argued that Islamist extremism was a home-grown problem for Britain rather than his country's responsibility.” There certainly is some truth in this. So when the Para’s get to Afghanistan in April they better know what their Brummie Para mates accents sound like?

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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