Saturday 16 February 2008

Sanctuary in Britain for 1,500 Iraqi who helped our troops

Up to 1,500 Iraqis are to be airlifted to Britain after ministers agreed to grant sanctuary to the interpreters who worked for our forces.
In a multi-million pound operation starting in April, the translators and their families will be flown here in groups of 100 every fortnight until the autumn.
Read It Here

(RG) I totally support this decision to grant Asylum for these interpreters, this really is a case of Asylum unlike the tens of thousands who pour in to the UK each year only to sponge off our benefits system. I can tell you that several of these interpreters have already been murdered and their lives are genuinely at risk. They have risked their lives for the UK it’s the least we can do. Watch the video about Omar below who worked for the US Military.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP


  1. One decent decision by a totally corrupt and inadequate regime does not make good government. My pals nephew still has only been offered £20k for the loss of most of his fingers - a civilian typist received over £440K for repetive stress/strain injury! All former vets who left the Forces before the 1st April 1975 have had their pensions plundered! Every MP puts forward inflated expense claims with no scrutiny at all. I was once asked if I had ever fuck a man "with a fucking shot gun" I replied. The bastard new I was serious.

  2. I've quoted you and linked to you here:

  3. This is an outstanding post and the video of the interpreter that hasn't received notification from the US will I'm sure be granted a visa after the program. It's a shame we coulden't have helped before this, especially sine he got that atta boy from the american military.....stay well....


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