Saturday 16 February 2008

'Heartless' Des In Goggles Fury

DEFENCE Secretary Des Browne was branded heartless last night after launching new night vision goggles on the day James Philippson’s inquest took place.
Mr Browne boasted that the state-of-the-art “laser eyes” would save the lives of hundreds of frontline troops.
Read It Here

(RG) let me first say that my condolences go out to the family and colleagues of James Philipson and as I have constantly said on this Blog we do need the right equipment to do the job properly and save British and coalition forces lives. If it was Des Browns objective to bury bad news then it has failed miserably and the total opposite is true. I note that this headline 'Heartless' Des In Goggles Fury` is from a popular Daily newspaper and is deliberately made to be sensational to grab the readers attention, In cases where it may inform the public about the lack of shortages or troops have to put up with then I cant complain. The main thing these NVGs will soon be in theatre and saving lives.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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