Tuesday 19 February 2008

Response to my complaint about a Gurkha not being able to fly his flag

After complaining to the council about the appalling treatment this Gurkha had to endure under these red tape NAZIS , I received this letter back from them…….

Dear Sir,

I acknowledge receipt of your formal complaint about the decision to refuse advertisement consent, Ghurka Restaurant. I should first explain that national flags including EU flags , subject to limitations, are effectively exempt from advertisement control Outside these provisions any flags require consent. In this case the restaurant already has quite extensive and intrusive advertisement material, including advance advertisement signs, as does the adjoining retail premises including extensive display of goods for sale on its forecourt area. A decision was taken on planning grounds and planning grounds only, that the further flags would add to the existing excessive advertisement and other material at this site to the detriment of the visual amenities of the area.
The applicants can appeal against the decision of the Council. Alternatively it may be that if the amount of advertisement material can be reduced and rationalised that there may be an opportunity to display the flag.

Yours sincerely

Head of Development & Building Control

(RG) Bla Bla Bla, just let the man fly his flag FFS.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP


  1. What. The. Hell. Is wrong with these people.
    Too much advertisement for your business?! I've never heard of that! That's like too much money or too much fun, I guess.

  2. A Regimental standard is not an advertising awning.
    So every individual who want to fly the Union Flag has to get planning permission.
    Oh Yes. especially if a foreigner objects.
    So how long have the Gurkha's not been part of the Pongo's?

  3. This is ridiculous, Why do we need to ask permission to fly our national flag. They don't need permission in America, you moan, they shoot you :-). To them, its part of being American. The Government in our country are treating us like dogs. We don't even celebrate St Georges day and what was yesterday... March 17th. The Irish Celebrated theirs. We are not allowed to do anything that will upset the illegals must we.


Pointless leaving spam it wont be published.