Sunday 2 December 2007

£300 for paralysed squaddie

A teenage Army recruit left paralysed when a baton hurled by his drill sergeant speared his head has been awarded just £300 compensation.
Devastated Dominic Christopher-Baskeyfield, 19, said after the award: "Look at the state of me - I am knackered for the rest of my life and I am getting just £300."
Read It Here

(RG) Just when you think the MOD cannot insult our Forces any worse you get a case like this, it just beggars belief, £300 pound is nothing short of an insult, it just goes to show that the MOD can do whatever they want with impunity they are bullet-proof (No pun intended) this is not justice and if this was my son, no prizes for guessing where I would shove this sergeants baton?

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP

1 comment:

  1. That beggars belief!! The whole MOD should be dismantled - NOW.


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