Thursday 29 March 2007

PTSD Appeal.

The Falkland's Campaign 2007

This year is the 25th anniversary of the Falkland's Campaign.

As many as 2,600 British veterans of this war could become casualties of the brain injury known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD). In extreme cases sufferers will commit suicide rather than continue to live with the effects of PTSD.
Until recently, there has been little effective treatment available to these veterans. Now a collaboration between the social inclusion charity P3, Help Me Overcome and a Russell Group university will be providing the support these casualties need.
To assist the estimated 2,000 Falklands veterans who are at risk of experiencing the damaging effects of PTSD during this years anniversary commemorations, we need to raise a minimum of £2,000,000. We will also be helping a charity in Argentina prepare for their increase in PTSD casualties.
This club is open to anyone who wants the opportunity to help British service men or women get their lives back from the invisible injury known as PTSD.

The Falkland's Campaign 2007 Forum

"I was in HQ BAOR when the Falklands happened. I had to organise the debriefing team that visited every corner of the theatre. They were all pretty stressed - and these were the coherent ones.

I took a rapier battery to San Carlos the following year. The atmosphere was still tense and hard to cope with.

One tour in Northern Ireland took me years to recover from. Any act of war has a massive impact on the individual that results in most not wanting to talk about it. I still dream of a soldier with no face and a leg being carried off by a stray dog.

I really hope that this campaign can make a difference. Do you have problems getting the individuals to come forward?"

Ed Nash

(RG) I have just rang Ed Nash up to clarify a few points. This man had absolutely nothing to do with any debriefing of Soldiers with PTSD. The MOD sent a team of psychiatrists to the Falklands War but never used them. Ed Nash told me he went to the Falklands with 16 Air Defence Regt RA after the conflict. He assures me that he is going to make his statement more accurate.

(RG) "Im just having a nice strong cup of tea and try pulling myself together".

“Giggle Giggle
I thought he would be hanging from a rope”

My ex wife.

The Jury is out on this at the moment!

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Smells a bit fishy to me.

  3. I agree. I dont dispute this guy might of been in the army, but the posting he made is misleading to say the least. In his phone call he changed his story and said it happend in Germany. He told me he has nightmares every night about a dog running off with his mates leg, if you read his profile he has a dog as a pet and it dosent bother him. The best part was when he told me that if I attend one of these courses I will be completly cured of PTSD. `Wow` a hell of a statement, if this is so wonderful then why have they not gone to the British Government with this miricle cure? His big mistake was saying he was at San Carlos de briefing the troops.


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