Sunday 11 March 2007

Blair is called to account over abandoned troops?

British soldiers returning from war are suffering unprecedented levels of mental health problems amid claims that the long-standing "military covenant" guaranteeing them proper care is in tatters.
More than 21,000 full-time servicemen and women who have served in Iraq, as well as army reservists, have developed anxiety and depression, an Independent on Sunday investigation can reveal today.
Official figures suggest two dozen military personnel have killed themselves since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 ­ a figure which includes 17 confirmed suicides and six where inquests are pending. Combat Stress, the charity for war veterans suffering from mental problems, has warned that it is seeing an annual rise of 26 per cent in its caseload; more than 1,000 former soldiers are homeless. Read It Here

(RG) It doesn’t make you a raving lefty just because you have concerns about the care of our ex forces once they have been to War then come home and try to readjust to civilian life some with physical and mental scars. It matters not what Government is in charge, any Government has a duty of care to its serviceman & woman. Politics aside its just plain WRONG.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. Obviously this disgraceful Government doesnt give a toss about the soldiers when they return, they have done Labours dirty work for them. Didnt Brown say the Armed Forces was a Conservative organisation? All I can say is if the Argies want the Falklands there has never been a better time to invade. The UK that existed in 1982 is as dead as the Roman Empire.

  2. For many years now, Lancashire branch of Ssafa have accused, yes accused me of making my voluntary work with fellow former soldiers political.
    Everything we do, breath, eat, sleep is political, but the numbnuts do not know it. I would rather be ostracised by RBL and Ssafa than allow the plight of former soldiers to go unheralded.

  3. The socialist scurge are amongst us and infecting the very fabric of society including unfortunately some Forces charities, ask them if they think a young soldier laying wounded in a NHS hospital bed in his own shit is political?

  4. I cannot believe your country is treating your veterans that way. It is appalling. Poor treatment of their veterans is unnacceptable for any country.

  5. The problem is the American people only see Blair on the TV talking tough on terrorism when in relality his country is the worst in Europe for Islamic fundamentalists. If any one in England speaks out against them they are arrested and thrown into prison, while they cant preach hatred and get away with it. Living in Britian is like living under the Taliban execpt they are the Labour Taliban. Our police hate having to arrest everyone for casuing offence and we are living in fear. Remember the UK has nuclear weapons, what would America do if like Blair wants this country is Ruled by an Islamic Government? God help us.


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