Tuesday 12 March 2013

Falkland Islanders Vote To Remain British

David Cameron demands that Argentina respect the referendum, which saw a massive 99.8% back staying under British rule.David Cameron has demanded that Argentina respect the result of a referendum in the Falklands which saw an overwhelming majority back staying under British rule. Just three voted 'No' in the ballot about remaining a British Overseas Territory, with 99.8% supporting the status quo. International observers ratified the poll, in which 92% of eligible voters - or 1,513 people - took part, as "free and fair" The Prime Minister warned that Argentina should take "careful note" of the result, which he said was the clearest possible message. "The Falkland Islands may be thousands of miles away but they are British through and through. That is how they want to stay," he said. "They want to remain British and that view should be respected by everybody, including by Argentina." Nigel Haywood, governor of the Falkland Islands, added: "You don't get a much clearer expression of the people's self-determination than such a large turn out and such a large yes vote." Argentina has yet to officially react to the referendum but had already dismissed the vote as illegal and "pointless". It claims the people have no voice in deciding what is a dispute about sovereignty that should be resolved directly with Britain. But delighted residents, who sang Land Of Hope And Glory and Rule Britannia after the result, insisted they must be heard. One woman celebrating in Stanley told Sky News: "It sends such a strong message to the world that we've been here for a long time.Read More HERE

No prizes for guessing the result of this referendum, the Argentinians we know wont respect the result as they don't do democracy. Now let this be the end of it, the people have spoken. Its a shame we cant find out who the three `traitors` are and send them on a one way ticket to Argentina.


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