Friday 23 February 2007

A vid to get the lads ready for Afghanistan.

Heart beating magazines full adrenaline rush almost ecstatic
Not alone my brothers here, no fear no fear
Silence attacks my ears
Nervous clicking of the safety catches
Glancing to my left Smith smiles nervously thumbs up
To my left Taffy spits and wipes his brow
I’m in good company , the company of men
My mates my pisshead nut cases
Dance Of The Flaming Arsoles
Zulu Warriors
The sons Of Britain
Fix Bayonets
Lets fucking do em!

(RG) "The good old days before defence cuts"

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. great bit of vid... love it... any views on Harry going over... I put one view on my blog.... see what you think!

  2. My favourite film as a kid.
    Reminds me of the nights in Salisbury or York scrapping with the locals...all jolly good fun.

  3. I hope the locals didnt have spears !


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