Thursday 17 November 2011

Get In Get Out and Get Away - Memoirs of a National Serviceman

Get In Get Out and Get Away. This may sound strange but not for your uncles, brothers, fathers or granddads. They knew from an early age that one day they would be called up to do their two years National Service.

I am sure the countless millions of ex-National Servicemen will have many things in common in these memoirs, hopefully they are happy ones.
I was born in a small terraced house on Walney Island, Barrow-in-Furness, England in 1938. In that era, the toilet was outside and the bath which was made of tin was kept in the backyard and brought into the house when needed.

Whilst growing up, the cloud above one's head of having to do National Service got closer and closer. I knew older lads who were getting called up on a regular basis. I was twenty one years old and had just finished my apprenticeship in 1960 when it was my turn. This was the last year of National Servicemen being called up for the services.  Read more and order  HERE 

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