Monday 14 November 2011

Another Walts weekend done and dusted.

Yet another remembrance weekend is gone again along with all of our first world War veterans. WW2 sadly wont be that far behind them being over sixty years ago. Then Korea and I suppose eventually the Falklands War, maybe one day my daughter might push me down part the Cenotaph in London in my wheelchair? This time of year always leaves me feeling drained emotionally. I went to my local Cenotaph on Friday at 11am to pay my respects, there was a fabulous turn out the only thing marring the occasion (For me anyway) was somebody in a flat overlooking the Cenotaph decided to put his or her music on loud at exactly 11am , just a coincidence or deliberate? I don’t know. I spoke to a few of the older veterans one who told me he was an ex Gunner, as I left him and shook his hand I said to him “Ubique” the motto of the Royal Artillery and he looked at me puzzled and asked what it meant, I told him that it was the Royal Artillery motto worn on our cap badges which means “Everywhere,” like remembering your army number a genuine Gunner would have known this. Maybe he didn’t hear me correctly or maybe he was another of an ever increasing number of `Walter Mitties` people who pretend they were in the Forces , usually going to ridiculous levels of wearing dozens of medals and the obligatory SAS beret. I spoke to another veteran today who said he had seen a few Walts at his local Cenotaph in Barrow, he said they were well known but people seem to let them get away with being impostors on a yearly basis regularly turning up in different uniforms and assorted medals. For all you Walts instead of immoral parasites like you I wish I could have marched with Mark Mullins who wasn’t there this year. This story has really upset me I don’t have to explain why if you read about it. To all you vile parasitic Walts out there , this time of recession and hardship is perfect for your deceitful ways as there will be a glut of genuine medals on e-bay sold by genuine veterans in dire straights, who knows you might even get yourself a VC , go on spoil yourself . Skies the limit.


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