Friday 24 June 2011

Yanks ditch the Helicopter landing pads on their heads

It seems that after 10 years of having to wear the dreaded beret American squaddies have got their wish and it has been scrapped They have probably made the right choice as I have always thought that an American serviceman with a beret on just doesn’t look right. As for the British military take away any practical reasons and on a British soldier with a nicely shaped beret it looks in army parlance `Ally.` One thing that always bugs me about TV dramas is when a squad of soldiers turn up wearing helicopter landing pads on their heads, they have the cam cream on , the SA 80s the Para wings all state of the art kit but these ridiculous unshaped monstrosities on their heads. My missus would always ask “What are you laughing at?” until I explained and she would shrug and say “Well you would notice that” it’s a bit hard not to. I would suggest if you asked a Paratrooper one the main things he liked about being a Paratrooper he would probably tell you to F*** Off but he would never give up wearing his red beret, same goes for a Marine , although he would probably not tell you to F*** Off. Then you have a SAS beret, which in all honesty wont get worn very often, mainly seen in tabloid newspapers worn by the odd Walter Mitty and enough medals to sink a battleship. I think that huge cap badge the Yanks wear is also a bit too big, on the whole they will look 100% better in the new caps. You wont see many berets being warn in Afghanistan unless David Cameron turns up one day and the lads have to get on parade. I personally liked my beret and always had a leather rimmed one, as the issue Kangol ones were nearly in the same league as the American ones. I remember one Sgt Major threatening us with having to wear Kangol ones and I seriously considered leaving the army just for that reason, that’s the difference with the British army, you can tell a great deal about a soldier by whether he can be bothered to shape his beret.  So in summary, Right choice America , leave the berets to the Brits and also the French (Foreign Legion) who’s berets I have always admired greatly.

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