Thursday 10 February 2011

Forgotten Heroes

On Television last night Panorama Forgotten Heroes  we once again revisit an age old problem with soldiers making that huge transition from the Armed Forces to civilian street, slightly easier to make in peace time but a massive leap into mainstream life when young men and woman have been personally involved in the blood and spilled intestines of modern Warfare. I felt terrible sad and tearful watching that programme because I saw myself in some of those young men who’s lives have been destroyed as well as friends that are no longer with us who succumbed to PTSD not on the battlefield but alone on the streets of Britain. I’m not going to give you a big list of statistics, prison population, suicides, ect, that information is out there and I have on this Blog wrote it down many times. I felt like I was watching a Greek tragedy, that just keeps on repeating its self. From the Crimea to the Falklands to Afghanistan you can bet your life that its Tommy that will suffer. If you are an ex member of the Armed Forces who made it through your service physically and mentally unscathed spare a thought for those who never. You could even pop down to your nearest homeless shelter and see if there are any veterans that you could help? You don’t have to give any money just a friendly smile and a chat to someone you don’t know but who you share a common bond of serving your Country together. I’m not naïve and I know that nearly all politicians pay lip service to this problem. The great British public (God Bless Them ) will keep on putting there loose change in the Poppy tins and Help For Heroes collections and the politicians will sit back and let our brave man and woman be cared for by Charity. You can call me Racist if you want I don’t care anymore I’m far to tired and ill for that to bother me, but it is plainly wrong that an Asylum seeker can come to this Country and be given houses cash and all the benefits and an ex soldier just back from Afghanistan is pushed to the bottom of society, this kind of despicable treatment can only bread hatred and resentment. I wonder when the next of these programmes will be made?  One things for sure War is not going away and they way our Country is heading there will be plenty of empty shop doorways for our Heroes to try and get a nights sleep. Lets be honest Great Britain never has been and never will be a Land Fit For Heroes.

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