Tuesday 23 November 2010

Publish your poetry in the `Little Book Of War`


Come forward young men
Take hold of this pen
We will put food in your bellies
Never hunger again
Queens shilling for all
Make you walk proud and tall
Send you on an adventure
Your country has called
Don’t be shy at the back
Its time to attack
The enemies of England
Shall crumble and crack
Come now matey
Here’s your SA80
Your bullets and bayonet
And laser designator
Don’t stand at the back
Put this in your pack
A bottle of sun block
For the heat in Iraq.

© Tony McNally

If you are a veteran of any war, we invite you to share your poems, your stories in a pro bono book whose working title is The Little Book of War . All proceeds from this international collaboration will go to PTSD foundations in the United Kingdom. Perhaps we can help not only UK Veterans, but by doing so bring light to the plight of so many others who find suicide the only way to end the war they knew. You may contact me at remybenoit@gmail.com with your word contribution. Yes, you will keep the copyright to your words.

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Pointless leaving spam it wont be published.