Sunday 24 October 2010


Tommy Lucas is lucky, this land is at peace,

No snipers in windows, no guerrillas in trees,
There's no war in Worcestershire, Wiltshire or Hants,
But Tommy's a victim of pay-cuts and grants -
The unit he needs was closed down last year,
If he can't get his treatment, the end will be near.
Poor Tommy Lucas - there is nowt he can do,
Pushed once again to the back of the queue.
The children of far distant battle-torn lands,
Peer from our TV screen, we wring our hands,
So we send jet planes and say "come to the UK -
We'll se you get treatment, we'll make you okay."
So poor Tommy Lucas, his future looks bleak,
While yet more foreign children were treated this week.
Poor Tommy Lucas - there is nowt he can do,
Pushed once again to the back of the queue.
Tommy Lucas is lucky, this land's not at war,
But he still can't get treatment he's waited long for,
The children from far lands get treatment instead,
While Britons like Tommy still wait for a bed -
The injured of Britain has waiting list places,
While imported injuries take all the bed-spaces.
People of Britain - there seems nowt we can do,
Pushed once again to the back of the queue.

HT/ Ron Brain

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