Thursday 13 May 2010

News Flash , squaddies are piss heads

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This is another one of those non stories its like saying that Footballers cheat on their wives or Government Ministers fiddle their expenses. There has always been a massive drink culture in the military, I thought nothing of going on leave and standing at a bar alone and downing ten pints without even socialising at all with anyone else. Its how soldiers are taught to decompress after combat, but it sadly leads to more mental health problems, violence, divorce and sometimes jail. Right time to hit the brandy!

Alcohol is a depressant and after drinking vast quantities you do become depressed. I remember sitting at a table surrounded by empty beer cans ranting and raving like a gibbering idiot. Everyone else in their own drunken world. I was crying like a baby and nobody noticed. The BSM and some NCO’s staggered around like out of control dodgems. I felt like throwing up, so I went up on deck. It was late at night and I leaned over the rail looking into the icy depths. I was overcome by this overwhelming urge to jump into the sea and escape from this ship full of mad men. Would I have jumped I don’t know… Scouse had followed my on deck and asked if I was alright. I told him that I wanted to jump. He laughed and said something like, ‘Don’t be a soft c***.’ We both staggered back to the bar until unconsciousness overcame us.

Taken from Watching Men Burn, some things never change.

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