Thursday 27 May 2010

Graham Eckerman aka Liam Kissane aka Scum

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If your an ex serviceman or a decent citizen that respects our military remember the sickly face  of this vile cowardly scum. Lets hope he runs into a real Royal Marine whilst he is deservedly behind bars, read more here about his crimes at notareargunner   a Blogger and former Royal Marine.


  1. You will have to feel deep to feel my anger. Not just for me, but for my great Uncle Norman, one of the original instructors at Achnacarry, my dad, a Navy Commando, Cyril Ellis of the original 41 Commando who should have been decorated for the action at Solerno, for my oppo Richard Manning (together in Belfast with 41 Cdo) who died without me able to say farewell, Roger Ennifer, killed in the Falklands and for ever young person who takes the Queens shilling and honours their side of the contract.

  2. Your anger is completely understandable and justifiable, these moronic `Walter Mitty` types could have no undertaking of the pain their actions cause to the service community, especially to one with a great honourable heritage such as yours. I hope the Devil personally removes his Tattoo.


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