Sunday 18 April 2010

SAS in body armour 'private funding' row

The SAS is at the centre of a furious row following allegations that private money was used to equip the regiment's soldiers with body armour for Afghanistan. The Sunday Telegraph has been told that a £400,000 "contingency fund", financed by private donors, was used to purchase body armour for members of 21 SAS, one of the service's two territorial regiments, prior to their deployment to Helmand in 2008. Cash from the fund was also used to pay for operational welfare equipment, personal kit and to pay-off the mortgages of two members of 23 SAS killed in southern Afghanistan in an earlier deployment.
The disclosure has been seized upon by opposition MPs and former Army commanders of proof that the Armed Forces have not been properly funded while `
Labour` has been in power.

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What was that about our military having everything they need under a Labour Government Gordon?

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