Saturday 24 April 2010

Cumbrian Town Councillors snub the Duke Of Lancaster’s Regiment

AN Ulverston family with a proud armed forces background has blasted councillors who did not back a proposal to award the freedom of the town to Furness’ most local army regiment. Earlier this month, Ulverston mayor, Councillor Norman Bishop-Rowe, proposed bestowing the honour on the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment. The proposal was not carried because too few members of Ulverston Town Council voted in favour. Some members said they appreciated the sentiment, but argued it was unfair to acknowledge one particular regiment of the armed forces with the honour, which grants the privilege of marching through the town “with drums beating, colours flying, and bayonets fixed” upon return from duty.

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Some members said “they appreciated the sentiment, but argued it was unfair to acknowledge one particular regiment of the armed forces with the honour” I just wonder if these members were Labour Councillors? The argument that this honour is not fair on other local soldiers of different Regiments is very lame indeed. A large majority of the Duke Of Lancaster’s come from the Furness area, as did the King Own Borders before them. I was with 12 Regt Royal Artillery who also recruit from this area and Lancashire but I wouldn’t be complaining about my fellow infantry soldiers getting the honour over myself. Ulverston is not majority Islamic town so they cant use the excuse that it could inflame racial tensions. It just a few power mad bitter tin pot councillors, who may have a grudge against our military and the War in Afghanistan? Do the right thing and let our brave boys march!

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