Friday 5 March 2010

We must fight for fairness for injured troops'

Colonel Richard Kemp gives his reasons for campaigning to extend the increased
compensation or injured soldiers to those injured in Iraq and Afghanistan before 2005. Throughout history wounded soldiers have held a special place in the minds and spirits of the British people Whether in the quagmire hell of the Somme, under murderous Luftwaffe strafing on the open beaches of Dunkirk, in the sniper alleys of West Belfast, the unbearable dust and heat of Basra or the jungle-like ambushfields of Helmand - these brave men and women have risked all, and given so much, for us. The British people do not want these heroes to be treated in the same way and according to the same norms as any other public sector employee. They want them to get the best possible healthcare, to be treated in the best possible way and to be looked after with the respect and dignity they deserve, if necessary for the rest of their lives

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If you like myself agree with Colonel Richard Kemp please sign the petition HERE

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