Friday 4 September 2009

Web Site Of The Day ( soldiers off the street )

Ex service personnel should never end up living on the streets of Britain. If you agree with us please help!

Welcome to the soldiers off the street web site, we are a new organisation with a dedicated group of people determined to help the forgotten ex service personnel whose lives have been affected by homelessness.
We all think they deserve better after going through the traumatic experience of war in far off lands, what they have been through for the country they love, to be forgotten and homelessness is a national disgrace.
All those who sent them away in the first place should hang their heads in shame for the way ex service personnel are left to fend for themselves, we all hear about the tens of thousands MP's award themselves in pensions, but the same MP's have got no time for those that have laid their lives on the line for their country.
Photos say more then a thousand words, so please look at the two we have put below, they say it all. Photos obtained on the net, they are in the public domain and free to publish from Wikipedia, the one of a person living on the street, we used this one as an example; we will not be taking photos of any ex service personnel living on the street for publication. Let's leave them with some dignity they have lost everything else in their lives. Visit the site

Watching Men Burn: The Falklands War, and What Came Next a Soldier's Story

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Pointless leaving spam it wont be published.