Tuesday 8 September 2009

Tuesdays Fire Mission (Uniform)

Large bomb found planted by roadside in Armagh British army bomb disposal experts have defused a large explosive device found planted close to the border in south Armagh today. I can see why The Red Robot is thinking about withdrawing British troops from Afghanistan, he may need them closer to home?

Marines battle Arctic for charity Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Oliver and Major Tony Lancashire, I salute you both.

Hero pilot averted air show disaster after co-pilot hit throttle of giant bomber by mistake A retired RAF pilot was hailed a hero today after he wrestled a bomber away from a crowd of spectators and houses when the giant aircraft accidentally took off at an air show.
The giant Victor bomber - named Teasin' Tina - was only supposed to taxi down the runway and stop for a photo shoot before returning to the hangar.
But the bungling 'co-pilot' - an engineer with no flying experience - hit the throttle by mistake and the 75-tonne bomber lurched 150 feet into the air.

Mr Prothero may be retired but his quick thinking certainly saved a major disaster.

MoD "failing" traumatised soldiers In the uncaring MODs eyes when a soldier has PTSD he is damaged military property and is thus obsolete and not cost effective and then thrown on the scrap heap of civvie street and the NHS. Its then a lottery to wether he or she gets the help they deserve, there is a good chance they will either end up dead or in prison.

Dispatches Battle Scarred: Help and Support Some good contacts here if you need help?

Ark Royal strives to cut its emissions The Socialist Labour party’s way of cutting Ark Royals emissions would be to sell her for dog food tins!

Israel widens rift with U.S. and EU by giving go-ahead for construction of hundreds of new West Bank homes This was inevitable as soon as America elected an Arab to the Whitehouse.

Absurd side to invasion idea Well I never new this was on the cards?

First Jewish Civilian Chaplain Shalom and G D Bless you Rabbi Arnold Saunders.

Mystery still surrounds death of young marine RIP Johnny Reid

Russia denies Arctic Sea carried missiles to Iran Well Russia would deny it wouldn’t they, but what ever happened Russia had a vested interest in getting this ship back.

Historic MOD buildings 'at risk' The Socialist MOD care not a jot about historical buildings at RAF Bicester.

Brazil to buy 36 Dassault Rafale Fighter Jets Good choice.

Tories to axe MoD pen-pushers
Good they are lucky they are not put up against the wall and shot.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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