Thursday 3 September 2009

Thursdays Fire Mission (Romeo)

DEATH TOLL HITS 211 AS ANOTHER BRITISH SOLDIER DIES IN AFGHANISTAN A BRITISH soldier has been killed in a bomb attack in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence said today. The serviceman, from the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, died after his vehicle came under attack yesterday in Babaji District, central Helmand Province. RIP. According to the New York Daily News another coward.

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
Britain mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

Lack of helicopters for our Afghanistan troops is shocking, says colonel I will be reading `Danger Close`Col Tootal new book about Afghanistan.

Taliban militant captured in S Afghanistan: NATO Cut the B******* head off with a rusty penknife as would happen to one of our troops who were captured.

National Guard soldiers return from Afghanistan Welcome home guys like us Brits your not cowards either!

The day S.Tyneside went to war Today the Whole of the UK should be at War with the New York Daily News.

'I remember the PM announcing the Second World War had begun'
If this fat useless Socialist pig had been PM then we would all be speaking German!

UK Recognises Polish Sacrifice In WWII Thank You Poland, your not cowards either!

Wartime Nostalgia Blinds Us Socialism alone has done far more damage to the UK then any NAZI ever did!

Afghanistan sapping Army morale, veteran writes Having a Government that doesn’t support you when you are in that War isn’t great for morale either.

Rest in peace, Kevin RIP you will never be forgotten.

US and Australia invite China to war games Interesting to see who would win if things turned nasty, my money would be on China!

Man jailed for ‘abuse’ at parade I think this is harsh it should have been the other way round they should have been jailed for booing the RAF fly past.

Two US soldiers killed in road accident in Iraq RIP.

Hundreds turn out for RAF parade in Oakham Great turnout well done to the people of Oakham town.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Channel Crossings

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