Thursday 10 September 2009

Thursdays Fire Mission (Victor)

Medal for bomber-tackling marine A Royal Marine who saved the lives of 30 comrades by rugby-tackling a would-be suicide bomber in Afghanistan is to be awarded the Military Cross.
Sgt Noel Connolly, of Manchester, threw himself at the Taliban fighter, who was loaded with 150lb (68kg) of explosives, near a disused school in April.

To call Sgt Noel Connolly a Hero doesn’t seem adequate somehow.

British troops get nifty techno-gun sights The Ministry of Defence has announced a new £150m purchase of hi-tech weapon sights and optics, saying that the new kit will "improve soldier lethality" and "support the British defence industrial base". Serving soldiers have disparaged only a little of the new kit - and much of the money will in fact be spent overseas.

Terry Taliban wont like this!

Brown 'did not order Afghan rescue' It sounds like the Red Robot is passing the buck again.

Being a Journalist is not Enough

MP to visit islands rocket range I wonder if anyone ever found the crate of beer we buried there after a piss up?

DID aliens from outer space once visit the skies above Wigtownshire? Well considering the Red Robot is from Scotland then I would have to say yes!

Blocks away for work on aircraft carrier Are the blocks made from steel or Lego?

HMS Enterprise, Royal navy arrive in Banjul Don’t forget your sun screen guys, I know its tough in the navy!

Work begins on advanced naval anti-ship missile We might need these very soon when Argentina comes looking for oil off the Falklands?

Why we cannot airbrush Libyan legacy from history Thought provoking poem.

O flower of Scotland
When will we see
The like again
That killed so many
Your wee bit hill and glen
We stood against him
Gaddafi's bomber
But sent him homeward
Tae think again

Small Wars by Sadie Jones: review Hal is a well-regarded Major in the British Army. In 1956 he and his men are in Cyprus attempting to keep the peace, and the Empire, intact. Hal’s homesick wife Clara looks after their twin daughters in Limassol, checking the house each night for bombs. As the terrorism increases, and soldierly conduct sinks into depravity, Hal retreats emotionally and Clara finds small comfort in a talisman given to her by Davis, a naïve army interpreter.

My book Of The Day.

Technology company backs the Forces Hat Tip to Analox Sensor Technology

Yachtsman charged with obstructing warship Brave or foolish? Perhaps they thought he was a Pirate?

Fromelles Excavation Ends After 250 Bodies Recovered The remains of hundreds of World War I soldiers buried in France have now been successfully recovered after a four-month archaeological operation.

May they now be left to RIP.

Call to arms now less convincing The Taliban would find it much easier to set up camp in the Heart of Europe, a little Socialist Island called The Former Great Britain.

Lax immigration standards 'could be exploited by terrorists' No S*** Sherlock!!!!! Comments like this will have you branded a NAZI.

Afghans blame troops for death of translator Its always our fault isn’t it and never the Terrorists!

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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