Monday 7 September 2009

Mondays Fire Mission (Tango)

Queen 'furious' at troop shortages If only the Queen could have the Traitor Brown executed, imagine if Sky TV made The `Red Robots` Hang drawing and Quartering a pay per view event, all the proceeds could go to Help For Heroes.

Gordon Brown must regret the day he ever met Colonel Gaddafi I disagree I think The Red Robot actually admires Colonel Gaddafi being a fellow dictator, he may even get a job in Libya when he is driven from our shores for ever.

Failure to engage The Red Robot doesn’t actually know why British Troops are in Afghanistan or care for that matter!

IRA victims fume as UK guards ties with Libya There is more chance of The Red Robot voting BNP than Libya paying any compensation to the men , woman , children and soldiers that Libya murdered via proxy.

Security alert near NI army base The suspicious object didn’t have a Libyan postmark on it did it?

Wales Red Dragon LH

Royal Welsh soldiers march ahead of Afghanistan tour Give em Hell lads, love your military hate your Government.

Yatesbury soldier in leap of faith to help the wounded A big thank you and slap on the back to Deane Smith.

MPs demand tighter controls on security companies in Iraq And we demand controls on Mps.

THE state of the British Army is set to become a major election issue for the first time since the Cold War The War in Afghanistan will continue exactly the same under the Tories.

This quote from a retired aide to General Petraeus about the British performance

The British failure in Basra was not due to the conduct of British troops, which was exemplary. It was, rather, a failure by senior British civilian and military leaders to understand the political dynamics ... in Iraq, compounded by arrogance that led to an unwillingness to learn and adapt, along with increasing reluctance to risk blood and treasure to conduct effective counter-insurgency warfare...
...British commanders attempted to cut deals with local Shia leaders to maintain the peace in southern Iraq, an accommodation that was doomed to failure since the British negotiated from a position of weakness."

I have to agree.

Woofer killed in Afghanistan named
RIP Private Gavin Elliott, of The 2nd Battalion The Mercian Regiment.

Iraq hostage body repatriated You can now finally RIP.

MoD awards £52m worth of contracts Oh that’s ok because these Carriers will never be built.

PICTURE PARADE: Help For Heroes concert A big thank you to all concerned.

Fight for funding: UK industry calls for increased defence spending Before you can do anything we must dismantle the MOD in its entirety and then rebuild a functioning department, that is cost effective.

Tories outline reform of MoD Lets hope so?

Royal Navy and RAF 'outnumbered by MoD civil servants' And its apparent that these so called civil servants' are Socialists.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP
Boycott Cross Country Trains
Boycott the Metro Hotel
Boycott the walkabout bar
Boycott Christian-Dior-
Boycott Auto Direct Insurance Services
Boycott Whetherspoons

Watching Men Burn: The Falklands War, and What Came Next a Soldier's Story

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