Saturday 2 August 2008

Who said there was never any good news?

Three Taliban militants were killed when a roadside bomb they were planting exploded prematurely in eastern Afghanistan.
A doctor working for the Taliban was among those killed in Friday's blast in the eastern Paktika province, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.
Read It Here

(RG) Result!

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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  1. When I am sad and someone tells me about taliban have been killed I burst out laughing. I think it even more a good laugh when they have blown themselves up. I would like to be the one who knocks on the mud hut they call their house and tell the Dalek who is their wife that the bundle of smelly rags they call a husband has gone and blown himself up. I would then ask the Dalek is there any chance I can give the good news to your little Taliban or do you want to be mean sprited and deny me the pleasure? I would then try and surpress my laughter and ask dalek,why did allah decide your bundle of smelly rags should leave the earth at about a thousand feet per second?I would then pile on the pressure by asking. Considering the speed said bundle of rags was doing I bet he hit the 72 slags at some force? I would then bid dalek good day with the parting shot of "How come you lot are still living in the dark ages"

  2. Well there is a god, and this just proves it. Cowardly fighting like this deserves that end. For whatever the reason, we have always fought fair, toe to toe, so to speak. Those who live by the sword they bear, die by that same sword.


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