Monday 4 August 2008

Rogue Gunner Launches New Mag

This week in Psycho magazine RG explores the all consuming greed that infests the Socialist Labour Government. This year Labour have sentenced hundreds of Old age pensioners to death as they cannot afford to heat their homes meanwhile the bloated Marxist in Government have spent £55m of our money on a furnishing bill They make Saddam Hussein’s regime seem like a small child stealing a candy bar in comparison. We must give them credit as even the mafia couldn’t have pulled of the complete destruction of our infra structure and armed forces whilst loading up their off shore bank accounts. Brown knows his time is nearly up but unlike Tony he will gorge himself on the wealth of a once great nation as he uses our flag to wipe his bloated arse as he is not only a mentally ill Socialist he is a megalomaniac. Labours wanton vandalism of the UK is in the the stage of angina and is a few months away from full blown fatal heart attack. Britannia is weeping.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
Boycott BP

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