Defence Secretary Des Browne visited UK troops in Afghanistan last week. Here, he describes the positive impact he believes the presence of UK troops is having in the region. Read It Here
(RG) Des Browne the illegitimate half brother of Gordon was spotted in Afghanistan this week, aides were quotes as saying the defence secretary had been on the `Bender of all Benders` At a press conference in Kabul Des screamed drunkenly “ What the F*** are we doing in Iraq anyway? As a communist Im apposed to this Imperial folly, I hate the military DEATH TO THE ENGLISH” He was then rushed away by three burly bodyguards into the back of a Humvee reeking of whisky “What’s this pile of yank s*** I’m nay riding in this heap of tin laddy” Mr Browne is now on his way to Syria to smoke a bong with President Assad. He was last seen at Baghdad airport vomiting in to a bin and shouting “Can naybody in Iraq dance like a f****** panda?”
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
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