I wish I had a pound for every time I have heard someone (usually a civilian) say “They should bring back National Service“ In principle this sounds a good idea. National Service did indeed work very well particularly after the second world war and there are still many National servicemen who say it was the best thing they ever did, however there was still a small minority that went AWOL even in those days. The recent spate of stabbings mostly in London has once again raised the issue. For the record I am personally against bringing in National Service thats connected with the military unless its a world War situation. For some relatives of the murdered like former EastEnders actress Brooke Kinsella to say .....
"If these young boys want to pick up a weapon and fight then we let them go over to national service and fight for a good cause." is simply a knee jerk reaction and what’s more an insult to the brave PROFESIONAL British serviceman serving overseas. She may be surprised but most of these young men & woman do not actually want to go and take another persons life, whether it’s a Taliban gunman or a yob pissed up and looking for a fight on a Saturday night in a takeaway. Surely National service is simply that national not just mainly from London and the bigger cities. Do you honestly think thousands of young angry Muslim men would be straight down to their nearest training depot to learn how to go and kill their fellow Muslims? It simply would not work, remember the recent plot in Birmingham to behead a Muslim British soldier There simply is no respect for authority anymore. When I was a soldier I was literally shit feared of our RSM, most of these inner city thugs would just tell him to F*** Off or even stab him to death before going on the run. We would need to dramatically increase the RMP just to chase around looking for AWOL National Serviceman. Meanwhile poor old Tommy Atkins from some small village in Cornwall who always wanted to be a fisherman would find himself being screamed at an kicked up the arse by some sergeant major, Tommy was never going to stab anyone to death but now he is being forced into a profession he does not want. Instead of the military solution, why not just use the judicial system we already have except try punishing the criminal and not the victim. If you know that you can take another mans life and know you will not serve the rest of your life behind bars what is the deterrent? Wishy washy liberal judges and left wing policies are to blame for the mess we are in at the moment. The next Government should take a leaf from America particularly how New York has dealt with its crime epidemic using the Three strikes policy So in short no thanks the British military don’t want your murdering scum desecrating our uniforms, put them in prison where they belong they can even wear a stripy uniform made from Hessian sacks for all I care and march around the exercise area, they can help the war effort if they choose by working in prison factories making clothing and equipment. This is 2008 not the 1950s and the the fantasy TV shows like Dads Army, It aint half hot mum and
“Get some in" "Fag for the Corporal" More like Knife for the Corporal"
"If these young boys want to pick up a weapon and fight then we let them go over to national service and fight for a good cause." is simply a knee jerk reaction and what’s more an insult to the brave PROFESIONAL British serviceman serving overseas. She may be surprised but most of these young men & woman do not actually want to go and take another persons life, whether it’s a Taliban gunman or a yob pissed up and looking for a fight on a Saturday night in a takeaway. Surely National service is simply that national not just mainly from London and the bigger cities. Do you honestly think thousands of young angry Muslim men would be straight down to their nearest training depot to learn how to go and kill their fellow Muslims? It simply would not work, remember the recent plot in Birmingham to behead a Muslim British soldier There simply is no respect for authority anymore. When I was a soldier I was literally shit feared of our RSM, most of these inner city thugs would just tell him to F*** Off or even stab him to death before going on the run. We would need to dramatically increase the RMP just to chase around looking for AWOL National Serviceman. Meanwhile poor old Tommy Atkins from some small village in Cornwall who always wanted to be a fisherman would find himself being screamed at an kicked up the arse by some sergeant major, Tommy was never going to stab anyone to death but now he is being forced into a profession he does not want. Instead of the military solution, why not just use the judicial system we already have except try punishing the criminal and not the victim. If you know that you can take another mans life and know you will not serve the rest of your life behind bars what is the deterrent? Wishy washy liberal judges and left wing policies are to blame for the mess we are in at the moment. The next Government should take a leaf from America particularly how New York has dealt with its crime epidemic using the Three strikes policy So in short no thanks the British military don’t want your murdering scum desecrating our uniforms, put them in prison where they belong they can even wear a stripy uniform made from Hessian sacks for all I care and march around the exercise area, they can help the war effort if they choose by working in prison factories making clothing and equipment. This is 2008 not the 1950s and the the fantasy TV shows like Dads Army, It aint half hot mum and
“Get some in" "Fag for the Corporal" More like Knife for the Corporal"
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
Boycott BP
I've read through your blogs for some time now and have been tempted to write in and comment but for some reason held back. However, this very subject was part of an earnest debate with some old friends over a late supper and several bottles of wine. My views were sought as ex-Army (1962-86) and then a Police officer. When I was 16 I decided to join the Army as an alternative to the dole, not knowing that this was a time when such recruits were those who had been brought up before the youth courts and given the opportunity of joining the Army or spending several years in Borstal - what a culture shock that was. One of the guys in my intake was an out and out thug who would bully, steal, lie or cheat through his initial recruit training. During this time it was discovered that he was excellent at cross country running - probably all that running away from coppers - and the PTIs utilised this to such an extent he represented the battalion at numerous sporting events. The training and encouragement, something he had never been given before, made him turn his life around and he was promoted within the Junior Leader ranks. I next heard of him when I read he had been awarded the QGM in Northern Ireland. The point I am making is that I do believe some form of military training would benefit the majority of youngsters - perhaps a return to the "Services or Jail" options in which proper, directed, encouragement can be given. Of course there will be failures, just as there were in 1962 but there will also be some outstanding successes which can only show the aimless that they do have the option and ability to make their lives better. What better "Gang" can there be than a County Regiment or Ship or knowing that not everyone can do what you are doing? At the time I thought I had made a dreadful mistake in joining Boys Service but the comradeship, character building and training given stood me in good stead through Borneo, Aden and more trips to Northern Ireland than I care to remember (I was in Hong Kong on II patrols during the Falkland War). I even met up with more of the 'young offenders' from Boys Service in my travels where one was my CSM!
ReplyDeleteYou may not receive many replies but it is a very good blog about a group of people who, sadly, are not as appreciated as they should be (every year, on my birthday, I send a birthday card to an Army unit picked at random, serving in Iraq or Afghanistan with the request it be passed on to a soldier who has the same birthdate as me. It's not much but I think it helps the soldiers to know they are not forgotten.
Keep it up.
Well said. The best article you've produced for ages.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for the victims of vicious crimes such as the widow and children of Garry Newlove, but their demands for National Service are totally ill-conceived.
I could stop knife crime tonight. Get caught with any tool that can be used to kill and you are put on Rockall. Boy or girl.
Thanks for your comments notarargunner, this week its knife crime next week it will be acid rain or how much crack that winehouse tart snorts, meanwhile many more people will be needlessly murdered in out of control Britain. Thank you for your valuable input Plodnomore, I’m glad my article made you hit the comments button and don’t hesitate to add your welcome comments again. Sometimes soldiers that have been on the wrong side of the guardroom on many occasions do tend to be the best soldiers when the shit hit’s the fan as apposed to the goody two shoes with all the creases in the right place but a clean weapon after a firefight.
ReplyDeleteWell said RG they should also bring back the noose for child killers and rapists, thats what I like about your Blog mate, you say it how the vast majority of the British public think it, not counting those menatlly ill Labour tossers.
ReplyDeleteDoes the Isle Of Man still use the birch, if they dont send them over here!
ReplyDeleteHow to cure knife crime. If found in possesion of a knife.
ReplyDelete5 years without parol
Working on a chain gang or some other hard manuel labour from 6AM TO 6PM
No televisions ,radios or any other creature comforts in a cell. If found again in possesion. 10 years and as above.
If found guilty of murder.
Death sentence or life without parol.