Wednesday 5 March 2008

There is stupid and then there is poor EVIL

British soldiers have done some Stupid Things and I have done my fair share of drunken antics but this Sick US Marine can have no excuse for this disgraceful act against a defenceless puppy, if this piece of shit can do this to a dog he can probably do it to a child? Because in my book he is EVIL. This scum will probably live to be 100 as vermin like this never get KIA. What goes around comes around and this coward will get his comeuppance on day. I have not watched the video, there is a special place in Hell for this bastard.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP


  1. You are not alone with your assessment of this cruel act. I am sure the man who did this act will be severely repremanded....The military detests this cruelty to animals and the the individual who commits the act.....stay well...

  2. The news is out over here and an investigation has been ordered by a USMC general officer a zillion grades above the rank of this disgraceful creature. Beyond ANY doubt, this shamefull, cruel story is in tomorrow's daily briefing file for the Commandant (if the Commandant doesn't know already). And when that happens...!!!
    Well, take a look at General Conway's face:
    Then read his bio; he's an extraordinary and HARD man.
    Just imagine coming to his attention for ANY wrong-doing, much less a vicious act which brings dishonor upon the Corps.
    The bastard is GOING DOWN HARD, folks...and especially so since he'll be made an example to all others.

  3. Im ex RGJ and in NI we had to make sure we didnt get pinged by the farmers dogs, so we had to take "appropriate measures" to secure this, peoples lives depended on that, But this sick fuck doesnt deserve to wear a uniform. This is an act of hooligan nature and i hope he gets what he deserves, a pit bull on his nuts.

  4. All it takes is one dickhead to spoil it for the rest!
    This twat is going to be history!

  5. What a coward. I don't judge the brave American soldiers on the act of this scum bag though.I hope he is thrown out the service. I tell you now if I had been there I would have knocked the bastard out cold

  6. Calm down - it's fake - the dog (if it's real) is obviously already dead.


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