Sunday 16 March 2008

TA to expel soldiers who won’t go to war

The Territorial Army is to force out thousands of weekend warriors who refuse to go to war. Defence chiefs want to turn the TA into a fully fledged fighting force of about 15,000 soldiers.
Although the target strength requirement of the TA is 42,000, the actual numbers are much lower at about 35,000 and it is haemorrhaging soldiers.
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(RG) Well it all depends on how you look at it, yes if they sign up even if its for the TA they should be prepared to go to War, but I don’t think the MOD are in a position to discharge thousands of soldiers, we just don’t have the numbers, plus an Army does also need REMFS to do the admin jobs. The TA has certainly changed from the odd weekend running around the woods firing bank ammo, a quick shower and down the pub hasn’t it? Oh yeah and you could try giving TA soldiers the same suport when they come back from operational tours?

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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