Tuesday 19 February 2008

Prince's Farewell For Falklands Landing Ship

The last of a class of landing ships that played a vital role in the Falklands War and both Gulf conflicts, Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) Sir Bedivere returned from a year-long mission in the Middle East to bow out of service yesterday. Read It Here

(RG) Its sad to see this great vessel finally going but everything has its day. I remember after the ceasefire going around the Falklands Islands on this ship collecting wool and cleaning the place up, we were really pissed off and just wanted to go home. We sailed South on one of her sister ships RFA Sir Geraint one of the only ships that was not hit by enemy bombs during the War.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP


  1. I'm afraid your memory is faulty. It was Sir Lancelot which collected the wool. Sir Bedivere was cosily berthed on the FICO Jetty at Stanley.

  2. Yeah your probably right Apprentice, it must be my advancing years.It just shows that I should have Googled before I post!


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