Thursday 28 February 2008

How Hero SF Soldier Was Killed

A Special forces hero gave his life in a daring bid to save 15 comrades — after they were cornered by seventy Taliban gunmen next to a bridge. RIP
Read It Here

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP


  1. R.I.P, what incredible bravery.

    Well done for putting up these posts. I don't know any other blogger who does.

    What do you think about Drudge releasing that info on Prince Harry? I've made my feelings known. I think they've put him and his regiment at risk.

  2. I fully agree with you. The leak came from the Drudge Report but it must have been aided from the UK and a source within fleet street looking for a fast buck. I fully support him going to Afghanistan and risking his own life as well as his men. It’s a pity his tour was terminated so quickly as he will be UK bound now, but it could have been worse and he could have come home in a body bag the risk all soldiers take.


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