Saturday 23 February 2008

Falklands VC’s Son Follows Dad

The son of Falklands hero Colonel ‘H’ Jones is following in his dad’s footsteps – by taking control of a battalion. Read It Here

(RG) Lt-Col Rupert Jones has the blood of a true British Hero and soldier flowing through his veins and wont go far wrong, congratulations.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP


  1. 632C5R09OW8

    Why Hillary Clinton doesn’t
    the deserve the nomination /white house:
    Bill Clinton turned down an offer of Osama bin labens extradition in 1996,well it all Happened when the Sudanese government offered the then Clinton administration Osama bin ladens for extradition in irons. It being an election year
    and Sudan being on the list of terrorist supporting governments. Clinton turned down the offer So the Sudanese government expelled Osama bin ladens to Afghanistan
    instead. When Osama bin Laden finally leaves the Sudan on a chartered commercial airliner
    with 150 of his top aides and his family, he goes to Qatar to refuel on his way to Pakistan, When the authorities in Qatar contacted the
    Clinton administration would what to do With Osama bin Laden, the replied was according to these sources [Posner] was this: “And the word comes back from the
    top of the [Clinton] administration ‘let him land and proceed on to Pakistan.”
    Plus Bill Clinton continued to turn down all U.S. Special Forces attempts to catch him No matter how easy. Worst than that he took militarily action in late 1998 as a distraction of the Investions
    by the Kenneth staar Inquiry into the Monica Lewinsky affair. A man who use the militarily For Personal, domestic reasons doesn’t believe anything but the peruse of his own power, to his own ends.

    Chief source cheek this book out.
    Losing Bin Laden:
    How Bill Clinton's Failures unleashed Global Terror

    other sources
    Bin Laden Arrest Offer Spurned as Clinton Met Lewinsky

    Posner: Clinton’s Negligence Led to 9/11

    Ambassador Carney to 9/11 Commission: Probe Sudan Offer

    Prosecutors Eyed bin Laden Before Clinton Let Him Go

  2. Yeah, ok mate but what the fuck has that got to do with the Falklands War you muppet?

  3. Not sure what that lot is about but.........anyway im sure (well i think) when i was in the army cadets a long time ago i was on a course with Rupert Jones (i think he was CCF) and if i remember right he never once mentioned who he was it came from a freind of his on the same course, and he seemed like a bloody nice chap throughout, and done well too, as in life. Good on him i say and good luck.

  4. You're gonna hate me for this lads, but I'm thinking of his mum right now. Sarah. She lost her husband to war and now her son is putting himself in harm's way as well. She has got to be one tough lady. I have a friend whose daughter is a US Marine serving in Iraq. The poor woman is on ever increasing doses of antidepressants right now. Meanwhile daughter is having a whale of a time driving VERY large trucks, according to her forum posts.


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