Thursday 25 October 2007

Appeal for countries to provide more troops is rejected

The United States was rebuffed yesterday after urging Nato countries with a minimal troop presence in Afghanistan to send more soldiers to ensure the success of the campaign.
The appeal, delivered at a meeting of Nato defence ministers at Noordwijk, in the Netherlands, was rejected by Germany, and other nations were reluctant to boost their numbers, alliance sources said.
Read It Here

(RG) What is the point of NATO then? Regardless of whether you agree with the military mission if you are part of that organisation you have an obligation to provide troops. I can understand why troops from Muslim Nations like Turkey should be exempt, but the rest of Europe has no excuse, they just know that the US and the UK will bear the brunt of deployment. NATO like the UN is in need of some serious streamlining and housekeeping, if they wont help then kick them out. I would have thought that France might have contributed to the force after the political change over there? I wonder if NATO troops will be deployed in the UK when we become the next Afghanistan? My Christmas cards would contain a lot of white feathers to our European so called allies.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War

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