Saturday 1 September 2007

You Started It!

General Sir Mike Jackson, the head of the British Army during the invasion of Iraq, has launched a scathing attack on the United States for the way it handled the post-war administration of the country.
The former chief of the general staff said the approach taken by Donald Rumsfeld, the then US defence secretary, was "intellectually bankrupt", describing his claim that US forces "don't do nation-building" as "nonsensical".
Sir Mike's comments - made in his forthcoming autobiography Soldier, serialised exclusively in The Daily Telegraph - represent the most outspoken criticism of American military policy in Iraq to come from a senior British officer.
His attack - the first time he has revealed the depth of his anger towards the US administration - highlights the deep-seated tension between the British command and the Pentagon during the build-up to and the aftermath of the Iraq campaign in 2003.
Read It Here

(RG) General Sir Mike Jackson may have some valid points in what he says about the War in Iraq, but its just to easy to blame everything on the US. Its like a two men attacking another in the street and saying the other laid the boot in first. We as a Country are equally to blame for the biggest `Gang Fuck` the middle east has seen in centuries. Blair is gone to make his millions selling his bullshit to ironically many Yanks who will buy his book and his and his money grabbing bitch of a wife’s stories. Bush will be gone soon, but the Iraq problem will just not go away no matter who is in charge. Unless you are of the camp that says `Nuke everything` solution? As a county and I mean the UK we have lost our way, we are no longer a global power or colonial giant that we were once and Socialism as it is here cannot work hand in hand with a military that distrusts its own leaders. Old Jacko wasn’t so outspoken until his pension cheque was firmly in his bank. No its just not ok to blame everything on your big brother, to the Arab Nations we and the US are one and equally culpable. Once former allies start to turn on each other its only a matter of time until your enemy reaps the reward.

©Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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