Sunday 9 September 2007

What War?

British troops battling Taliban militants in southern Afghanistan feel unappreciated and undervalued by many people back home, despite the numerous risks they are taking and the worst fighting since the Second World War.
"I don't think people really know what we are doing here," says Corporal Andrew Bright - known as Stretch - of 2nd Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland the Royal Highland Fusiliers.
"Iraq has taken front stage politically and here we are doing our jobs at the dirty end of it."
They are up against a tough "army" fuelled by religious ideology. Read It Here

(RG) The sad truth is most adults in the UK are more interested in Big Brother , Coronation Street or the football. If a newsflash came on the TV with a shock death toll from Iraq or Afghanistan they would continue to shovel junk food down their throats and hit the remote to see the make believe world of the `Rovers Return` where everyone just asks for a pint and the hard up Northern lasses spend every dinner time in the pub, because that crap is their safe zone, it is a drip feed of Liberal utopia to keep the masses of the real streets. Our boys may as well be fighting aliens in deep space, but God forbid if the aliens interfere with the TV signal.

©Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. Spot on. Reminds of a time I was in the pub a few months ago and Sky were reporting on some soldier being killed in Iraq and the barman said something along the lines of "Boring" and switched over to the cartoon channel.

    Needless to say I drank up and left.

  2. He obviously didnt have a son or daughter overseas.


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