Monday 10 September 2007

Vietnam War Memorial Defaced.

United States of America

I am disgusted to report that the Vietnam War memorial
has been defaced. Regardless of what you think about the US and its foreign policy this is wrong. Sadly we have seen incidents like this here in the UK, but our War memorials usually just get abandoned by this Socialist Government who hate everything that our memorials stand for. My guess is this damage will have been done by an American borne citizen ? Probably mid teens to early twenties (White) who regularly uses drugs and burns his own countries flag and used photos of George Bush to wipe his arse on, I may be wrong? But in my book anyone caught doing this sort of damage to our War dead would face the same fate as Saddam.
See More Photos Here

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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