Monday 3 September 2007

Supporting Our Troops.

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Welcome to Supporting Our Troops

Since 1945, Britain has enjoyed a wonderful period of peace and prosperity. However, in this time, the men and women of our armed forces have time and again, found themselves on the front line defending Britain's interests. In Korea, Brunei, Borneo, Indonesia, Malaya, the Falklands and the Gulf. More recently, during the time of the “Peace Dividend”, they have played a central peace keeping role in the Balkans, Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan and Iraq. Closer to home, many thousands have been involved during the thirty year long campaign in Northern Ireland.Our armed forces face daunting challenges on a daily basis, however much of their hardship is barely reported at home. Supporting our troops seeks to channel resources and support from the home front, to ensure that our appreciation is felt around the world, wherever our forces are serving.

We can, together, make a huge difference to people’s lives at home and abroad.

Supporting our Troops – is a charity with two core aims:

1. To raise public awareness, support and understanding for British service personnel (and their families) and increase the recognition of their highly professional conduct in face of daily challenges.

2. To raise money to support the following charities who are providing services for British service personnel, Combat Stress, SSAFA (Soldiers Sailors Airmen Families Association), The Army Benevolent Fund and the South Atlantic Medal Association

We are proud to support our troops, please show your pride and appreciation by purchasing a wristband and / or donating money.

Designed by Calum Ogg

Click Here Support Our Troops

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Pointless leaving spam it wont be published.