Friday 7 September 2007

My Mam & Dad On Their Wedding Day.

(RG) Above is a photograph of my Mam & Dad on their wedding day in Dublin 1930`s and below some poetry I wrote about them both.

My Dad never hugged me and told me that he loved me
My Dad never tucked me into bed at night
My Dad let me sip his Guinness in the local pub
My Dad smacked my arse when I got in a fight
My Dad shouted at my Mam when he was full of beer
My Dad switched over channels on the TV set
My Dad made us hide upstairs when he came home from work
My Dad ‘s tearless death is my big regret
My Dad has made me hug my son and tell him that I love him
My Dad makes me tuck him into bed at night
My Dad was from a generation that never showed its feelings
Now I’m a Dad I do my best to love my children right.

My Mam was a gentle woman
Never swore, drunk or fought
She lit a candle every day for me
In 1982 bless her heart
If I lay dying on the battlefield
Like any other dying soldier
The last words to pass my lips would be
“I want my Mam.”

©Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. Thats beautiful...........We all want our Mum when we're in trouble...........I'd give anything to have mine back.

  2. Thank you for your comments, we are all just children that have grown up.


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