Wednesday 5 September 2007

My Daily Dose Of Lefty Bashing On Fox.

Window of Opportunity, Window of Vulnerability All U.S. presidents eventually become lame ducks, though the lameness of any particular duck depends on the amount of power he has left to wield. It not only is an issue of the president's popularity, but also of the opposition's unity and clarity. In the international context, the power of a lame duck president depends on the options he has militarily. Foreign powers do not mess with American presidents, no matter how lame one might be, as long as the president retains military options. Bill O

(RG) I watch the O` Reilly factor every morning here in the UK via Sky. He is a no spin get to the point kinda guy that the BBC would be shocked if they heard one of his shows as he has a simple formula , its tell the truth, I know amazing ay? Most of the Ultra left wing in the US would not have the balls to appear on his show because he would chew them up and spit them out and show them for the Anti American Anti Western bunch of loosers and tree huggers that they are. I think Theo Spark would be a big fan of this guy.

©Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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