Sunday 2 September 2007

British soldiers nominated for the Victoria Cross

Two British soldiers from the same battalion have been nominated for the
Victoria Cross
in recognition of their incredible bravery in the face of the enemy.
The citations for Britain's highest gallantry award came after the men were involved in fierce fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The first is Captain David Hicks – who would become the first officer to win the VC since Falklands hero Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert 'H' Jones.
The second is believed to be Lance-Corporal Oliver 'Teddy' Ruecker, 20.
Last month Capt Hicks, 26, refused morphine when mortally wounded in order to lead a counter-attack against a Taliban rocket assault.
In May L/Cpl Ruecker fought off Taliban riflemen to rescue a badly wounded comrade from a burning armoured car. One VC has already been awarded for gallantry in Afghanistan.
The fact that there are two more nominations is an indication of the ferocity of the fighting involving British soldiers.
The awards would be the first time two soldiers from the same battalion have received the Victoria Cross since the Korean War.
L/Cpl Ruecker would be only the second living recipient of the VC in 38 years.
Defence sources have told The Mail on Sunday that two VC citations have been written by the soldiers' commanding officers from the 1st Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment.
Colleagues who witnessed the bravery provided written accounts describing what they saw in great detail.
These 'Post Incident Reports' included the duration of the battles, numbers of friendly and enemy casualties and how many men on both sides were killed. Read The Rest Here

(RG) This is a truly deserving award from these very brave and humble soldiers who I’m sure if asked would say they were just doing their jobs. Congratulations to a fine British Regiment 1st Battalion, The Royal Anglian. Hat Tip Theo Spark

©Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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