Tuesday 28 August 2007

This Labour Government are worse than Racists.

Ben Parkinson volunteered to serve his country on the Afghan front line - and paid a terrible price.
The young paratrooper suffered a total of 37 terrible injuries when he was blown up by a landmine.
He lost both his legs and sustained grievous damage to his spine, skull, pelvis, hands, spleen and ribcage, leaving him in a coma for months.
Incredibly, 23-year-old Ben is still alive almost a year later - according to his doctors the most badly-injured soldier ever to survive.
All his mother wants is to buy a bungalow so she can care for him there.
Yet as recompense for his ruined life, Ben has been offered only £152,150 - little more than half the maximum award for maimed military personnel and less than a third of the £484,000 doled out to an RAF typist who claimed she had suffered repetitive strain injury to her thumb.
Yesterday Ben's mother Diane Dernie told how she plans to challenge the award in the High Court, and spoke of her disgust at this "insult" to her brave son.
"We won't let him lose his chance to come home," she said. "It is iniquitous the way his injuries have been dismissed as nothing. He deserves better."
Mrs Dernie has been told that Ben's case does not qualify for legal aid. So she is appealing for help to raise £50,000 to fund the first High Court challenge against the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, arguing that its rules are patently unfair in the most severe cases.
A successful judicial review would ensure that several other soldiers maimed in Iraq and Afghanistan will receive financial security.
Ben's case exemplifies the mounting concern about the Government's treatment of the Armed Forces. Read It Here

(RG) I fucking hate this Labour scum of a Government, we need a military coup in this country with public hangings of all the civil servants who have betrayed their country. Bring the fucking lot of them home and set them loose on the bastard cowards who rule this once great but now a global laughing stock of a country. Blair’s head should go in the noose first and Il kick the fucking chair from under the piece of filth. You might gather that I am angry? Oh yeah and if you are one of those Bloggers who recently gave my book a bad review then don’t read my Blog or my opinions, you know who you are?

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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