Tuesday 14 August 2007


What must it be like to be one of our 5,500 troops in southern Iraq?
All of them must by now realise that the Brown Government does not really believe in the Iraq war and that the British public has long ago given up on the hope that their mission might be a success. It is not a matter of if the troops withdraw, licking their wounds, but when.
This knowledge has transmitted itself to the Iranian-backed insurgents who are growing increasingly bolder as they realise the game is up for the British.
It is the lack of political impetus in Britain behind the mission which has led to our troops drawing in their horns on the frontline.
We are entering the endgame and we all now know that future generations of historians are not going to look back on the Iraq war and declare it any kind of victory. Read It Here

(RG) If you give professional soldiers the right equipment and an achievable `Mission` they will carry it out to the very best of their abilities and will in most cases as with the British Forces be successful. Tony Blair is air brushing himself in to celebrity status on the front cover of Vogue and the young men and woman he sent to War because “ Saddam has weapons of mass destruction” are still dying in an unachievable conflict without any `Mission` whatsoever apart from try and stay alive until the Government has the balls to admit it is not going to work and bring the troops home. This isn’t defeatist lefty talk this is the truth. Be honest if you are a parent would you be willing to let your son or daughter go to Iraq and die? For what? I certainly would not. One more death is one too many. Its not our forces fault its their Government and on this occasion they got it massively wrong.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything posted on this. But what really makes me sick to my stomach is the fact that the MOD are releasing statements which bear no resemblance to the reality on the ground, most of which goes unchecked and unchallenged.
    The timing of the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq is not on some practical military plan, but rather on Gordon Brown's election strategy grid for optimum political capital.

    I find that beyond contempt!


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